Carl Purcell - Balcony with a View
Watercolor painting by Carl Purcell.
Artist Statement: The painting is based on photographs and drawings done in an alley in Virginia City, NV. I built the painting on the idea of a dark vertical panel sandwiched between to light panels of differing widths. The blue of the shutters provided a nice accent.
I paint primarily in transparent watercolor. I love the spontaneous shifting of edges it demands. I am drawn to hidden corners and old structures that most people will pass by without noticing. I see my roll as that of one calling attention to hidden beauty.
Artist Statement: The painting is based on photographs and drawings done in an alley in Virginia City, NV. I built the painting on the idea of a dark vertical panel sandwiched between to light panels of differing widths. The blue of the shutters provided a nice accent.
I paint primarily in transparent watercolor. I love the spontaneous shifting of edges it demands. I am drawn to hidden corners and old structures that most people will pass by without noticing. I see my roll as that of one calling attention to hidden beauty.