Thess Market by Giovanni Balzarani, NWS
It represents the continuation of Retrolight series. I did the photo reference personally: strong shadows of people in the market had attired my attention, thinking back at some of my previous paintings. It was my second time walking through the Thessaloniki market, called Modiano, where they sell only meat; I was there for an important international biennale watercolor exhibition, and the photo was, at first impact, casual, and in that point there was a strong contrast between light and shadows that I didn’t find in other angles. I chose to paint in this size (30x40cm) to try to realize very small details with brushes from 20/0 to 5/0; the big challenge I had was to create a homogenous tone, mainly in the dark parts, painted after many glazes allowing me to obtain this result.
Please contact NWS Gallery Manager Louisa McHugh for purchasing information. [email protected]
Please contact NWS Gallery Manager Louisa McHugh for purchasing information. [email protected]